
“A great book recommendation for your patients.” — UroToday.com

“Essential reading for medical and nursing students.” — JoDivine.com

Prostate Cancer Strikes is the best prostate cancer book I’ve ever read. Gogs takes us on a journey from his rising PSA, through negative prostate biopsies, to his diagnosis, surgery, recovery, and survivorship. His humor and humility shine throughout, and Gogs’ willingness to admit his mistakes is admirable.”

— Beau Stubblefield-Tave, past Executive Director
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Education & Support Network, ustoo.org
Des Plaines, Illinois

Prostate Cancer Strikes is an easy read, and I particularly like his jocular references to science fiction and general writing style. Gogs gets into the nitty-gritty of diagnosis and treatment and acknowledges what he should have done differently, which is helpful for the reader.”

Dr. Tom Pickles, MB, MD, MRCP, FRCPC
Radiation Oncologist, BC Cancer Agency, UBC Professor
Co-author of the bestseller The Intelligent Patient Guide to Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Strikes was a good read and will be an excellent addition to many other books on prostate cancer, but with a difference. Gogs Gagnon provides very keen observations throughout, from the early stages to treatment and recovery. It’s clear he has done a lot of research on the topic.”

— Ted Butterfield, past Chair
Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada

Prostate Cancer Strikes is just the right mix of medical facts, human interest and whimsical humour. I quite enjoyed the structure of the book paralleling a George Lucas/Tolkien adventure. Gogs’ honest and open writing makes for a compelling and entertaining journey.”

Richard Lett
Comedian, Actor, award-winning Writer, testicular cancer survivor
Vancouver, BC

“Written as a personal narrative, this book gives an honest account of a man’s experience with the stress and uncertainties of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Peppered with humor and touching anecdotes, Prostate Cancer Strikes narrates Gogs’ process of choosing a treatment plan and how he overcame various side effects. Gogs translates his experience into useful guidance so that others may be empowered as they face prostate cancer.”

Dr. Beverly A. Zavaleta, MD
Physician and breast cancer survivor, Brownsville, Texas
Author of Braving Chemo: What to Expect, How to Prepare and How to Get Through It

Prostate Cancer Strikes gives much-needed insight from a patient’s aspect, and Gogs’ description of his experience is a wonderful read.”

— Linda Hoetger, Social Media Ambassador
ZERO — The End of Prostate Cancer
Canal Winchester, Ohio

“A great read and well put together. Gogs has a gift, and I loved it. This book is a must for those who experienced prostate cancer and those about to.”

Vic Lombardi
TV Reporter, Host and prostate cancer survivor
Altitude Sports and Entertainment, Denver, Colorado

“I found myself crying, laughing and cheering! I wish this book had been available when my husband and I first received the frightening news he had prostate cancer.”

Glenda Standeven, Inspirational Speaker and bone cancer survivor
Author of What Men Won’t Talk About . . . And Women need to Know: A Woman’s Perspective on Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Strikes is quite a bible and has a tremendous amount of information.”

Maureen McGrath, RN
Radio Host of the CKNW Sunday Night Health Show
Registered Nurse and Women’s Health Expert, Vancouver, BC

Prostate Cancer Strikes details the personal journey of Gogs Gagnon through his diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. It is very well-written and provides a valuable resource for prostate cancer patients and their families.”

Dr. Stacy Loeb, MD, MSc
Urologist, Prostate Cancer Researcher and Radio Host
New York, New York

“Gogs’ storytelling is authentic, inspiring, and a story worth sharing with any who is curious about what patients feel and how the patient hears and how the patient manages through cancer. He shares powerful insights with humor and charm, and he eloquently allows us the audience to easily access his emotions. I thoroughly enjoyed his story.”

— Gina B. Carithers
Founder and CEO of UroToday.com
Chicago, Illinois

“If you have prostate cancer or know someone who does, read this book. Period.”

Tim Fitzgerald
Sportswriter, Radio Host, TV Personality, living with prostate cancer
Founder of Blue Shamrock Society, Manhattan, Kansas

“Gogs Gagnon’s honesty and humility offer all men diagnosed with prostate cancer the grounding and confidence they will need to seek out the doctors and treatments that are best for them and to take control of their prostate cancer journey.”

— Brian Lynch, CEO
Prostate Care Limited
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK

“Prostate Cancer Strikes is an excellent, well-balanced book that has laid bare the realities of a prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Gogs’ has taken the somewhat ‘taboo’ subjects for men, like the dreaded digital rectum exam, incontinence and erectile dysfunction after surgery, and discussed them on a very realistic and real (sometimes comical) level. I highly recommend that all men and their families read this book.”

Susan Evans Axelsson, PhD
Research Scientist focused on prostate cancer
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Walk’n’Talk with Susan

“As an Oncologic Urologist having done over 3,500 radical prostatectomies, I was impressed with Mr. Gagnon’s reflections in his book. It is a formidable work that shares detailed factual knowledge with heartfelt emotion. As Mr. Gagnon depicted, even with all the unpleasant interfering details with his disease, prostate cancer can be cured with no significant persistent side effects if detected early. More men die from prostate cancer than women from breast cancer. May this book incite all men to be screened for prostate cancer and reduce mortality.”

Prof. Hendrik Van Poppel, MD, PhD
Oncologic Urologist, past Chairman of the Department of Urology
University Hospitals of the KU Leuven, Belgium
Adjunct Secretary General EAU for Education

“Prostate Cancer Strikes is well-written and very helpful for patients and professionals — from diagnosis to recovery. I recommended it to men and their loved ones.”

Eva Estébanez-Perpiñá, PhD
Prostate Cancer Researcher and Associate Professor
Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB), Barcelona, Spain

“Gogs’ personal account helps shed light on what to expect and questions to consider asking during prostate cancer treatment. His mix of sensitivity and humour makes for an easy, enjoyable read.”

Victoria Cullen, PhD, Researcher and Sexual Recovery Specialist
Founder of ATouchySubject.com
Melbourne, Australia

“Such a pleasure to read an honest account of the impact prostate cancer has upon physical, mental and sexual health and relationships. In the course of my work helping couples to regain their sex lives and educating healthcare professionals to talk about sex, I have met and spoken to few men who are happy to share their experience in the way Gogs has done.”

Samantha Evans, Sexual Health & Pleasure Expert
Director and Co-founder of JoDivine.com
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK

“This is such an insightful and educational story. Any man who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer should read this book early in his journey.”

— Connie Degenstein, BScN, RN
Resource Nurse
Island Prostate Centre, Victoria, BC

“Gogs gives more than voice to every man who is dealing with prostate cancer. He gives them his hand. And these men’s journey can be much lighter after reading this must-have book. It’s essential for every man, even those who don’t have to deal with cancer.”

— Carola Schmidt, Pediatric Oncology Pharmacist
Curitiba, Brazil
Author of Chubby’s Tale: The true story of a teddy bear who beat cancer

Prostate Cancer Strikes is a perfect read for men (and for their partners too!) who are facing prostate cancer. Gogs shares his journey from diagnosis through his treatment – with some humor – and a reminder to know your PSA because early detection can save your life!”

— Rhonda Samuel, MA, Executive Director
Integrated Medical Foundation, imfcares.org
Roslyn, New York

Prostate Cancer Strikes shows that there is light in the face of adversity, and love both in yourself and those around you. Gogs’ calm and kind demeanour is on high display, creating an infectious philosophy of peace, even among the most challenging circumstances.”

— Arden Bagni
Daughter of a prostate cancer survivor

“Gagnon’s musings are enhanced with his situational humor, balancing the seriousness of his diagnosis. Others going through these stages will be comforted.”

Dr. Michael A. Geffin, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Director, Advanced Prostate Cancer Care
Greater Boston Urology, Dedham, Massachusetts

“As a medical practitioner that treats prostate cancer, it was invaluable to read a patient’s journey from diagnosis to treatment and beyond — an excellent read for anyone impacted by this disease.”

— Dr. Aaron Clark, MD, FRCSC
North Island Urology, Courtenay, BC

“A riveting account of the challenges of prostate cancer diagnosis and management from a prostate cancer survivor. A recommended read for prostate cancer patients, caregivers and advocates. Gogs’ experience documented in this book will no doubt be a guide to all.”

— Dr. Mohammed Taofiq, MD, FWACS
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

“Insightful, sensitive and helpful! The subject of cancer is complex, but this book manages to present sufficient detail for readers to come away more knowledgeable.”

— Dr. Daniela Chifor, MD, CCFP
Family Physician, Clinical Instructor
University of British Columbia

Prostate Cancer Strikes is an essential read for anyone navigating their journey with prostate cancer. Gogs delivers a well-researched and educated account of his personal experience with prostate cancer. It is also a great read for healthcare providers to help better understand the fears and challenges men and their loved ones face with this journey.”

— Dr. Garrett D. Pohlman, MD
Urologist and Host of the ProstateHealthPodcast.com
Kearney, Nebraska

“Inspirational! Gagnon addresses every question you could imagine, including all the questions that you may even be afraid to speak to your doctor about.”

— Michael Aikins, Chief Administrative Officer
The Views at St. Joseph’s
Comox, BC

Prostate Cancer Strikes is informative, candid and told with wisdom and true emotion.”

— Amanda Walz
Daughter of a breast cancer survivor

Prostate Cancer Strikes is the best I have read so far. It is medically accurate, well-written, and insightful while maintaining a positive perspective. Gagnon is clever with his use of humour and shows grace and respect for the healthcare providers in the rural setting where he lives. On finishing the book, one wishes they could be more like Gagnon in terms of facing the world. . . whether in illness or health.”

Richard Wassersug, PhD
 Co-author of Androgen Deprivation Therapy: An Essential Guide for Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones

“I found Gogs’ narrative compelling. Newly diagnosed patients and their families, anxious for some authentic yet reader-friendly information, can get a sense of what they may be dealing with.”

David R. Conn
Freelance Researcher, Writer, Editor, Library Journal reviewer, and prostate cancer survivor