Gogs’ Dad Part 6 – Prostate Cancer Strikes – Video 54 My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 85. Due to his age, […]
Showing posts from Tag: prostate cancer
show all posts“Gogs’ talks about the prostate biopsy that missed his cancer and assumptions he made.” Before being diagnosed with prostate cancer, I had little knowledge about […]
“Gogs’ shares how his dad dealt with bother prostate cancer and a near-fatal fall:” One day, in the middle of the night, my dad woke […]
“Gogs’ shares the top 10 mistakes he made after his prostate cancer diagnosis – and how to avoid them.” Now that my treatment is behind […]
“Getting a cancer diagnosis can be devastating. I know it was for me.” Gogs talks about what to do next. Getting a cancer diagnosis can […]
In honour of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, ProstateCancer.Net is celebrating with the theme of “Health Leaders and Their Experiences” with an extra special book giveaway! […]
“Many men ignore or hide their health issues and avoid the doctor,” Gogs writes. How can we change that? Talk about it with Gogs in […]
It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Diane Mapes, a breast cancer survivor and a staff writer at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. A Cancer […]
I’m proud to have been a “Patient Journeys” guest on Prostate Cancer Patient Voices. A patient-centred website dedicated to providing support, education, and advocacy for […]
My Dad’s Prostate Cancer Diagnosis In a previous blog, I reported that my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in December 2018, one day before […]
“These findings underscore the importance of detecting cancer early before it spreads,” Gogs writes. The American Cancer Society warns of a concerning uptick in prostate […]
“I’ve decided it’s time to make peace with my rising PSA,” Gogs explains why, and what it means for him. It’s been five years since […]
Gogs thought prostate cancer was just an “old man’s” disease – until his diagnosis at age 57. It affects younger people, too. I always thought […]
Even though I had no symptoms, my prostate cancer was caught thanks to frequent follow-ups with my doctor. I cannot emphasize enough that there is […]
CURE® surveyed its audience to see how they cope with fear of cancer recurrence. Here’s what they had to say. I’m proud to be quoted […]
Some doctors think the PSA test does more harm than good. Tony shares why he believes the test is important. It was an honour to […]
Coping with Cancer Ever since my cancer diagnosis, life has not been the same. Gone are the days of spontaneous erections and carefree living. I […]
Now that I’m officially 5-years NED after prostate cancer treatment, with scans and bloodwork showing no evidence of disease, I’m celebrating for the entire month […]
The evolution of my book cover I want to share with you the evolution of my book cover. It started way back when I first […]
“No health concern is too small to overlook.” Gogs talks about his fear of recurrence and navigating recent health scares. Ever since my prostate cancer […]