Gogs’ Dad Part 6 – Prostate Cancer Strikes – Video 54 My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 85. Due to his age, […]
Showing posts from Category: Family
show all postsMy Dad’s Prostate Cancer Diagnosis In a previous blog, I reported that my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in December 2018, one day before […]
Coping with Cancer Ever since my cancer diagnosis, life has not been the same. Gone are the days of spontaneous erections and carefree living. I […]
Missing our dogs Ever since our dog Maya died of a twisted stomach, and we made the painful decision to put down our other dog […]
I’m so thrilled to announce that our daughter, Jenn, has blessed us with our first grandchild — a healthy, beautiful, big 10-pound, 3-ounce baby boy! […]
I’m so thrilled to announce that my daughter, Jenn, married the love of her life, Matthew, in the village of Alert Bay on Cormorant Island. […]
I’m participating in the Fathers Day 5 km walk run for Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada. This year, due to COVID-19, the event is virtual, and […]
Our senior dog Maya, a 12-year old Saint-Bernard/German-Shepherd cross, is having a blast in the snow. She said, “Finally, we get some decent weather on […]
My sister Joanne was 56 when I lost her to ovarian cancer in 2010. She was my best friend, and I still think of her […]
I’m thrilled to announce that Mary and I are celebrating our 37 wedding anniversary! We married on November 12, 1982, after instantly falling in love. […]
When the doctor told me I had prostate cancer, all I heard was the word “cancer,” and everything else was a blur. I thought my […]
Completing treatment can be both stressful and exciting. It’s most likely a relief, but fears of possible recurrence can be hard to avoid. Therefore, it’s […]
The family and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend celebrating Father’s Day with Dad. Around the table, from left to right, we have my daughter Jenn, […]
I honour my sister Joanne with a digital daffodil from the Canadian Cancer Society. She passed away in 2010 from ovarian cancer at the age […]
Here I am, visiting my dad a few weeks after his prostate cancer diagnosis. As you can see, he’s in great spirits as he has […]
In his youth, my father was a boxer and a hockey player who wore his hair in a ducktail and enjoyed street racing. His philosophy […]