My Prostate Cancer Book part of Reef Knot Kit

I’m proud to announce that Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada has included my in their Reef Knot Kit! Each kit contains information about prostate cancer and is available free to everyone newly diagnosed with prostate cancer anywhere in Canada! 🇨🇦 For more details, please read the Announcement in my local paper.

Initially, I had no plans to write a book. My mind completely shut down when the doctor confirmed that I had cancer. I thought my life was over and didn’t want to talk about it. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide. With my spouse’s love and support, I opened up and shared my thoughts and feelings. At first, I started a journal with no plans to share it with anyone.

Over time, I decided to share some of my writing with friends, family and coworkers. With further encouragement from my wife and many others, I continued writing and sharing. The feedback was so overwhelming that it motivated me to write a book. Writing and reliving my experience was a surreal and emotional process. And it took a lot more time and energy than I ever imagined! But it was extremely worthwhile, incredibly therapeutic, and a big part of my emotional well-being. And knowing others may benefit from reading is incredibly heartwarming.

I highly recommend others write too! You never know who needs to read your words!

Reef Knot Kit

It’s profoundly moving, knowing thousands of men and their loved ones will receive my book at no charge. The Reef Knot Kit is provided FREE to everyone newly diagnosed with prostate cancer anywhere in Canada! 🇨🇦

Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada has been providing Reef Knot Kits free of charge to newly diagnosed patients for nearly two decades.

Click to order if you live in Canada 🇨🇦 and are newly diagnosed with prostate cancer to receive your free Reef Knot Kit. Each kit contains information about prostate cancer and a copy of my book.

Now that my book is complete and well-received, I still have the need to write! Therefore, I’ve decided to write another book! A coming-of-age memoir set in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia during the 1970s. It may take me several years, but in the meantime, please check out and share my articles published on ProstateCancer.Net. It’s time for men and the men in your life to be proactive with their health.

UPDATE: I’m proud and honoured Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada has featured my in their newsletter. To read the newsletter, please visit the Newsletter.

A PDF copy is also available: February 2021 Prostate Cancer Support Canada Debrief.

The following is an excerpt from the 2021 Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada Father’s Day Walk Run ceremonies highlighting the Reef Knot Kit. The foundation has provided these kits free of charge to newly diagnosed patients for nearly two decades. These kits contain a lot of information, including a copy of my book, !

I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my prostate cancer diagnosis and lessons learned. You can read all my book launch posts under Book Launch.

If you’ve read my prostate cancer memoir, please consider writing a review on , Goodreads, and other online sites. Your review is deeply appreciated, helps with visibility, and lets others know if this book is right for them. If you already wrote a review, I’m sincerely grateful for your time.

10 comments on “My Prostate Cancer Book part of Reef Knot Kit

  1. Gogs! This is such an achievement! Just think for a minute, your intention was to share your journey. This intention has transformed into an educational tool but not only that, this tool will save lives. This powerful tool will encourage thousands of men to open up and seek help. Your willingness to share will save thousands of men’s lives. Think about that again. This is awesome!!! Canada has arrived, a huge well done Gogs ☺️

    1. Thank you so much, Cheri. I’m still in shock and can’t believe it. I keep staring at the cover and wondering how did I ever write it! My heart is bursting, knowing thousands of men will get a free book.

    1. Thank you so much, Kristie. It’s so heartwarming knowing my book is distributed free across the province! And thank you for the encouragement to write another book. I have a lot to share about going through puberty!

  2. Your book is very important and accessible and you deserve this honor – congratulations to you for sharing something that is usually not discussed by men who are too embarrassed to deal emotionally with it not to mention write publicly about their experiences. Yeah! Gogs!

    1. Thank you so much, Ilene. It’s a lot to take in, and I’m so overwhelmed with emotion. I can’t believe I shared such intimate details. But knowing others can benefit made it all worthwhile.

      1. It’s incredibly incumbent on us to share our wisdom with others – if we can help one person we’ve done something to make the world better and not selfishly keep our knowledge to ourselves – it takes courage.

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