When it comes to health, Gogs reminds men not to “ignore anything out of the ordinary. No matter how trivial it may seem.”
In this article, I reflect on my prostate cancer diagnosis and the fact that I had no notable symptoms. But yet, my cancer was in the final stage before breaching the prostate. Health is not something we should take for granted. Even if you are unsure you are experiencing symptoms, it’s best to see a doctor for yearly regular checkups.
To read the article, please visit Prostate Cancer Symptoms…Or Lack Thereof.
A PDF copy is also available: Prostate Cancer Without Symptoms.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my prostate cancer diagnosis and lessons learned. You can read all my article posts under Articles.
I’m proud to be a content contributor for Health Union. You can read all my published articles on ProstateCancer.net under Gogs’ Articles and my guest post in the Community Spotlight.
If you’re newly diagnosed with prostate cancer and live in Canada 🇨🇦 please request a free Reef Knot Kit from Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada. Each kit contains a copy of my book, . For more details, please read the Announcement in my local paper.
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