Gogs featured on The Prostate Health Podcast

I’m humbled and honoured to have my book, Prostate Cancer Strikes: Navigating the Storm, recommended as a resource by Garrett D. Pohlman, MD, who recently partnered with Zero – The End of Prostate Cancer, a leading national nonprofit with the mission to end prostate cancer. You can find my book on his resource page.

I’m also proud to have a testimonial from Dr. Pohlam and to announce that he recently started a podcast to better educate the general public regarding prostate health, the conditions that affect the prostate, and the latest technology in managing these conditions. Receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis can sometimes catch men off guard and cause them to panic.

I’m also proud to have been interviewed by Dr. Pohlman. To listen, please visit Interview on The Prostate Health Podcast.

For more information about Dr. Pohlman, please read the following article by Zero: Prostate Health – Education is Key ZERO Prostate Cancer.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my prostate cancer diagnosis and lessons learned. You can read all my media posts under Gogs’ Media.

If you’re newly diagnosed with prostate cancer and live in Canada 🇨🇦 please request a free Reef Knot Kit from Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada. Each kit contains a copy of my book, . For more details, please read the Announcement in my local paper.

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