“After being diagnosed with prostate cancer, Gogs was motivated to help others. Learn about how he’s shared his experiences as a prostate cancer survivor.”
In this post, I share details of my prostate cancer diagnosis, surgery and recovery. I was 57 at the time, with no symptoms and no health issues. Overall, I was in the best shape of my life, living a very active lifestyle, cycling to and from work, hitting the gym and training in martial arts. The diagnosis was difficult to accept, and I thought my life was over.
To read the post, please visit Community Spotlight: Gogs
A PDF copy is also available: Gogs Gagnon ProstateCancer.net.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my prostate cancer diagnosis and lessons learned. You can read all my article posts under Articles.
I’m proud to have my book featured on ProstateCancer.net and honoured to be a guest blogger. You can read all my posts on Guest Blogs.
If you’re newly diagnosed with prostate cancer and live in Canada please request a free Reef Knot Kit from Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada. Each kit contains a copy of my book, . For more details, please read the Announcement in my local paper.
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